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Healing Ceremonies with Ancient Medicinal Plants

Area of Medical Treatment. (Ayahuasca Clinic, fusion of ancestral medicine with scientific medicine)

In this area, a clinic for care, consultation and treatment will be built blending traditional Andean medicine, alternative and complementary therapies and conventional medicine, to solve health problems of clients, based on a focus on person-centered care, performing humanized delivery care practices, integrating and articulating childbirth care with respect to ancient traditions.Through properly implemented offices, health improvement requirements will be met such as: stress, depression, low self-esteem, psychological problems, physical trauma, sexual abuse, scares, sentimental problems. Treatments of organic diseases, cancer, diabetes, AIDS; alcoholism, drug addiction and all kinds of addictions, through the use of different medicinal plants.

Patient hospitalization environments will be established for the treatments indicated by medical professionals and the shaman masters during the time they deem convenient their recovery, with all the equipment and implements of accommodation or their stay in the clinic during the pre and post treatment recommended by Shaman professionals and teachers.

Holistic Healing Through Ayahuasca Ceremonies

Our Ayahuasca Clinic offers a unique blend of traditional shamanic practices and modern medical care. Through guided ayahuasca ceremonies, we facilitate deep healing, helping individuals to overcome physical, emotional, and spiritual challenges. Our experienced shamans and medical professionals ensure a safe and transformative experience.

Professional Medical Support for Safe and Effective Treatment

At our clinic, your well-being is our top priority. Our team of healthcare professionals provides comprehensive medical support before, during, and after your ayahuasca journey. We conduct thorough health assessments, offer personalized care plans, and ensure that every participant receives the attention and support needed for a safe and effective treatment experience.

Required Environments

Our Ayahuasca Clinic is designed to provide a serene and supportive environment for your healing journey. Each space is carefully curated to ensure comfort, safety, and a deep connection with nature. Our clinic includes the following key areas:


Clients’ Hospitalization

The clinic will have beds in conditioned environments to contribute to the good improvement of the patients, where they will have the corresponding food and care services. The Shamanic complex will have growing areas for the recovery and propagation of the medicinal plants necessary for the Shamanic treatments.


Hospitalization Area

Will be located on the 2nd floor of Hall A, with 10 bedrooms: 4 for 2 beds and 6 for 1 bed with their respective toilet, shower, and sink, which will be well illuminated, with walls filled of materials that keep the heat of the environment and the wooden floor, ceiling height is 2 meters.


Reception, waiting room, medical records and pharmacy

They will be located on the first floor of Building A, in an approximate area of ​​80 m2, wooden floor, walls filled with heat-retaining material. Height floor to ceiling of 2 meters. Toilets for visitors in the passageways.


Area of scientific medicine

Will be directed by the following professionals: general practitioner, neurologist, cardiologist, psychiatrist, psychologist and others that may be required over time, which will be helped by nurses. In this area, patient care will be the diagnostic of the causes for being in the clinic. In this area, surgery and other specialties will not be performed. The professionals will coordinate with the master shamans in the cases that are required.


Operation of the clinic

The clinic will serve to treat patients with physical and spiritual discomfort and ailments, for which there will be 2 specific areas: area of ​​scientific medicine and the area of ​​ancient shamanic medicine.


Shamanic medicine área

It will be directed by the master shaman teachers (from the coast, mountains and jungle), Healers or Jampic, Onqochiq midwives, tuyus hosts, Shamanic masseurs, who with the assistant staff will coordinate the pre and post Shaman treatment, in the Ceremony areas that correspond to cases diagnosed with the company of doctors will attend the ancient ceremonies. The ceremonies may be individual or group, day or night according to what the treatment requires.


Support staff

in the clinic there will be assistance staff (nurses during the 24 hours) in support of medical and Shamanic consultations, attention to pre and post treatment patients prescribed by the professionals and teachers of the clinic.


Care Area

The clinic will have a properly equipped area for the attention to the indicated treatments by medical professionals and for cases of medical emergency. We will also create different areas of medicine as needed.


Recreation área

Rooms for music instruments, library, painting and meditation. Consider a special place for special visits, partners or donors of the great project. We also consider VIP rooms for customers with all the relevant amenities.

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