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Healing Ceremonies with Ancient Medicinal Plants

Offering to Mother Earth Cusco

Offering of retribution to Mother Earth, spiritual gratitude and connection with coca leaves

The Offering to the Pachamama (Mother Earth) in our worldview is an Inca wisdom or ancient cult; Pachamama refers to the Goddess of the earth and of our culture, she gives us everything we need, she gives us her energy, protection, care, nourishing, her love is great and unconditional; she has a reciprocal stage in which she receives. This ceremony can be also a part of an Ayahuasca retreat in Cusco.

The Pachamama is not only pure earth, it is energy, life, holy spirit, we thank it for all that we receive or have now, we respect, love, value and consecrate its existence and show gratitude through ceremonies, we are its children. At the end we transform, we give back to it in ashes. The Offering to the Pachamama or Mother Earth is the most important in the Andean world, known as “payment ceremony to the earth”; we say OFFERING, in Quechua AYNI or gratitude to our Mother Earth, it is who gives us life, even the air we breathe. It is considered as important as an Ayahuasca ritual. gives us her energy, protection, care, nourishing, her love is great and unconditional; she has a reciprocal stage in which she receives. This ceremony can be also a part of an Ayahuasca retreat in Cusco.

Offering to Mother Earth (Pachamama)

So we thank it and give it the strength to continue generating life in the world. We connect through the offering, we pray for everything we receive, for the people in need, for the well-being of our family, work, love, health, happiness, spirituality and personal protection among others. The Ayahuasca ceremony also aims at producing the same effects.

The offerings to the Pachamama are prepared by wise Master Shamans or Andean healers, known in Peru as Children of the Light or “Queros Ausangate”. They also heal unknown diseases and free the sick from all harm and negative energy, it is a very ancient and transcendental Inca wisdom that we knew how to preserve, now we share it with you.

pachamama ritual in cusco

We have many secrets of wisdom and different forms of Inca ancient ceremonies that accompany the techniques; especially the Ayahuasca ritual or the Ayahuasca retreats. We apply each healing technique according to the needs or problems of a particular person. There are always many imbalances in our lives; a way to harmonize and balance is through the different ceremonies, we thank and ask through coca leaves to Mother Earth and the Apus, the sun, the universe. Different elements and a variety of foods are used, each element has its meaning and rationale. Ayahuasca ceremony in Cusco, Ayahuasca in Peru.

ofrenda a la pachamama cusco

Booking Ceremony

Offering to the Pachamama, 1:00 hour, at the Ceremony Center near Plaza de Armas Cusco, 3rd floor.
USD. 90.00
Offering to Pachamama, 1:20 hour, Retreats Temple in the countryside 45 minutes from Cusco and hotels.
USD. 120.00
Special Offering to the Pachamama 1:40 hour, outside Cusco: Machupicchu, Ollantaytambo and other archaeological centers.
USD. 180.00

You can also do your Ayahuasca session in Machu Picchu, the amazing Inca citadel.

Ayahuasca Retreat

Ayahuasca in Amazon

Kambo Therapy

Wachuma Ceremony

Wachuma in Machu Picchu

Wachuma Ritual 4 days

Ancestral Rituals

Pachamama and 5 Ancestral Techniques

Offering to Mother Earth

Negative Energy Cleaning

Shaman School in Cuzco

Ayahuasca Volunteering in Cuzco

Marriages Inka

Inca Marriage + Machupicchu 9 days

Andean Wedding 3 days

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