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Healing Ceremonies with Ancient Medicinal Plants

What is the Ayahuasca?

What is Ayahuasca and what does it cure?

Ayahuasca in Peru. Ayahuasca is a sacred and magical medicinal plant that contains an incredible mysterious power of reflection and psycho-spiritual healing. Ayahuasca is not a drug or hallucinogen, it is life, the feminine spirit of the jungle; It is a divine gift from heaven and earth. Ayahuasca opens the interior of your being, you are born again and awakens the light of your heart. Ayahuasca produces true love and inner happiness. The medicine runs through your body, cleansing the toxins through vomit. Purifies by eliminating cancer cells; It frees you from your traumas, low self-esteem, stress, depression and negative emotional overloads of the body, mind and spirit.

Ayahuasca connects with the astral and spiritual world, opens the third eye and the pineal gland. Heals deep wounds and scars of the soul, helping to solve and improve your life. He teaches you with wisdom and can solve your questions, he shows you true and unconditional love. It is the path of absolute happiness; Its added value provides a vision of the present, past and future. The healing process alone with the Ayahuasca ceremony in Cusco lasts 4, 6 or 8 hours.

What diseases does Ayahuasca cure? .- Scientific studies and indigenous statements of healers discovered: the sacred brew, purifies and regenerates new stem cells and stimulates the birth of new brain neurons. Ayahuasca is used for treatments of neurodegenerative diseases and treats: Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, multiple addictions, cancer, diabetes, emotional gastritis, headaches, body aches and witchcraft; psychosomatic illnesses (scares, fears, traumas, anguishes, fears and others).


We are living in a terrible social and moral crisis which provokes great negativity in the heart and the mind. The thoughts and the words create bad energies and nasty actions contribute to a negative karma (law of cause and effect). We must return to the creative source of the Universe, to our true essence in order to address those issues. Many masters and ancestors of the world taught the techniques to get out of a period of time full of diseases, miseries and sufferings, creating a spiritual shift. CAISAE has the theory and the practical solution for your problems through these techniques with Ayahuasca retreats. You will live the more mysterious trance that can exist and encounter the true Dharma doing Ayahuasca in Cusco, Ayahuasca in Peru. Now is the time to wake up and walk towards absolute happiness, activating the planetary and humankind spiritual shift. Ayahuasca retreat in Peru.

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You can also do your Ayahuasca session in Machu Picchu, the amazing Inca citadel.

Ayahuasca Retreat

Ayahuasca Retreat Machu Picchu, 15 Days (6 Ayahuascas, 4 San Pedros + 5 ancient ceremonies)

Ayahuasca in Amazon

Kambo Therapy

Wachuma Ceremony

Wachuma in Machu Picchu

Ceremony Wachuma and Ayahuasca 7 days

Wachuma Ritual 4 days

Ancestral Rituals

Karpay Ceremony

Offering to Mother Earth

Negative Energy Cleaning

Shaman School in Cuzco

Marriages Inka

Inca Marriage + Machupicchu 9 days

Inka Marriage 6 days

Andean Wedding 3 days

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