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Healing Ceremonies with Ancient Medicinal Plants

Carpay Apu Ausangate – Great Mystical Inca Power

Carpay Apu Ausangate – Initiation to be Shaman or spiritual guide

CARPAY IMPORTANCY AND BENEFITS.- To receive the Karpay Panpamisayoc (spiritual healer of the earth), you must have a clear direction, an appropriate conscience, an integration of the spiritual and the physical and a pure heart. It is recommended as a healer, Shaman, or a being of light to practice any discipline or essential philosophy of spiritual help. The Karpay is a work of great commitment, responsibility and personal demand. It is practiced by the Ancient Association of Indigenous Shamans of Peru. The Carpay is a spiritual gift, whose source helps to channel and receive the spiritual energetic power of the universe through the energetic power of the Apus (sacred mountain). The Carpay is an important development for spiritual people, who seek spiritual growth and want to help other people. The Karpay benefits all those who practice some kind of spirituality. They will have, through a being of light that possesses wisdom, the direct permission to channel through Heaven and Earth. He will receive a “Misayoc” work table, (history helps to understand wisdom, Jesus was so humble that he looked for John the Baptist, a spiritual man to baptize him, who he accepted as his teacher and John authorized Jesus so that he could also baptize). There is always a powerful mysterious force behind another energy to have effect; nothing moves because it has to move.

The Big Karpay (spiritual healer of Heaven and earth), is the highest title that a Shaman receives, it means an extraordinary spiritual level. He is able to talk with mountains, water, wind among others. For this title you must achieve many merits and have a lot of experience in all fields and the ceremonies are of a higher spiritual level. I want to tell you that no man is more than another man, but there are spiritual levels that we must respect.

karpay ceremony cusco

The Carpay Ayni connects the universe through its high mountain peaks and below it opens the heart of the Pachamama, to be accepted depending on the intention or faith of our heart and thought. Many graduate as Shamans at the Ausangate to work with the energies, they will receive strength and power, they seek spiritual energy or fulfill personal desires among others.

The Carpay Apu Ausangate helps to find the balance; many of us have problems in love, health, work, family, financial problems, personal traumas and countless other situations.

We train Shamans through the Yachay Huasi Inca school, we grant a certificate that certifies the course that you have attended with the organization, which helps you to do guaranteed work. All the ritual of Karpay we do in Ausangate, Queros or other apus (sacred mountains) of Cusco, Peru, with the organized support of the Peruvian Community of Shamans.

You can also strengthen your preparation to raise your awareness or increase your spiritual development with a retreat of Ayahuasca and a San Pedro ritual. We prefer to do the mystical works in the great snowy Apu Ausangate and also in Coyllority, Machupicchu, Huamalipa among other Apus.

San Pedro Wachuma Cusco - San Pedro Wachuma Ceremony in Cusco, Peru

Different spiritual Karpay Titles

In our Andean cosmovision the Karpay is an indigenous wisdom whose knowledge comes from ancestral generations. We know him as the Kausay Karpay that is to live well, teach people moral and ethical values and to heal with the powerful energy of the Apus.

In the Karpay Hayni we receive the power or borrowed energy which we return by helping people. Karpay Llankay is the power of spiritual work or energy, to help people. The Hatun Karpay is a very important karpay and the most powerful, reached by very few people. For this title he must have a lot of experience, wisdom and ability to lead and be a Shaman of the Hatun Carpay, they can communicate with everything around them.

The Hanac Pacha represents the entire Universe. The Kay Pacha represents land, mountains, lakes and others. Uku Pacha represents the world of the spirits of the afterlife. Living is a spiritual divine gift! Everything that exists on the planet is the Pachamama. We must live day by day gratefully for we have the opportunity to continue contemplating the wonder of the world that surrounds us. We believe we have everything under control: we buy lands with titles, we build luxurious buildings, we have advanced technology etc, but nothing of this world we can carry, nor our body. Everything we do is from our Mother Pachamama, and through energy everything we leave will reach other people. The ceremony of Ayahuasca or San Pedro can be the best complement to develop your heart for your accomplishment of the Carpay. The sacred plant can heal deep emotional wounds and bring your consciousness to a much higher level.

karpay ausangate cusco

Tha Carpay Apu Ausangate Includes:

  • Transportation from Cusco to the village of Tinki (3 to 4 hours approximately) and return from Pacchanta to Cusco city.
  • Transport from Tinki to the community of Upis Pacchanta (1:30 hour) and return to Pacchanta on the given day.
  • From the community of Upis on horses up to Ausangate mountain, (1:30 hour), and return the indicated day.
  • Spiritual assistant and translator. (Speaks Quechua, Spanish and English).
  • Sleeping tents, dining tent, mat, sleeping bag. Also horse-driver and cook.
  • 2 Shamans, male and female, for a group of more than 3 persons; otherwise only 1 Shaman.
  • All meals for the days that the Carpay lasts.
  • Return by the 3 lagoons. And we take a horse ride through the mountains nearby Shaman Mariano Turpo’s house.

Ceremonies We Offer At The Carpay Apu Ausangate:

  • Cleansing, spiritual purification before starting Karpay.
  • Work of the 7 chakras, before shamanic initiation.
  • 04 different Andean ceremonies, only for the Karpay. The offerings are aimed at the 4 sources of the Earth.
  • 1 Flowering Bath of initiation and blessing for the spiritual path of the Shaman
  • Delivery of MISAYOC, the Shaman work Power Table with khuyas, stones of the 7 chakras, lliclla or tablecloth and bell.
  • Washing and baptism of initiation of the Kuyas, in the Huarmy lagoon to authorize works of Misayoc.
  • Fire ceremony, the 7 chakras and burnt of offerings.
  • Entrance ticket to the Ausangate. Payment to the community for sleeping and using the Ausangate area.
  • Visit to the lagoons, mountains and house of the Altomisayoc Mariano Turpo. Presentation of your work table.
  • Last day’s return from the community of Pacchanta: 3pm. We will leave you at the hotel in Cusco city at approximately 10 pm.
karpay ritual en cusco

We Offer And Simplify Your Entire Trip To Peru:

  • We can help organize your entire itinerary in Cusco. We even pick you up and leave you back at the airport. (Hotels, transfers, trips, etc.)
  • Furnished apartment with living room, dining room and kitchen, 1 double bed with private bathroom. 2 separate private rooms with shared bathroom. 6 blocks from the Plaza de Armas Cusco.
  • Travel to Machupicchu, visit the entire Sacred Valley of Cusco, Puno, the Amazon rain forest, that is, large regions of Peru.
    Just tell us when you arrive in Cusco and when you return, how many free days you would like to have for doing what you like, what places you’d like to know and what type of hotel you need. We will send you a complete itinerary according to your requirements.We also offer Ayahuasca retreats and the Ayahuasca ceremony, truly recommended for further spiritual development. Ayahuasca ceremony in Peru, Ayahuasca in Cusco.

What You Should Bring:

  • Sun hat, sunglasses, coats, gloves, it’s extremely cold.
  • Sunscreen (SPF-35 or more), waterproof jacket or rain poncho .
  • Mineral water, lantern, appetizers, snacks, (optional), camera for pictures.

Booking Ceremony

Donation: Huamanlipa Mountain in Cusco, Patapata 1 day and 1 Night.
USD. 440.00
Donation: Ausangate Mountain 2 Days and 1 Night.
USD. 740.00
Donation: Ausangate Mountain 3 Days and 2 Nights.
USD. 880.00
Donation: Ausangate Mountain 4 Days and 3 Nights.
USD. 950.00

Volcanic Medicinal Water, Internal Cleansing of the Body Total Detox with Mineral Water Cleansing with Volcanic Water. Medicinal water cleanses the body and blood.

You can also do your Ayahuasca session in Machu Picchu, the amazing Inca citadel.

Ayahuasca Retreat

Ayahuasca Retreat Machu Picchu, 15 Days (6 Ayahuascas, 4 San Pedros + 5 ancient ceremonies)

Ayahuasca in Amazon

Kambo Therapy

Wachuma Ceremony

Wachuma in Machu Picchu

Ceremony Wachuma and Ayahuasca 7 days

Wachuma Ritual 4 days

Ancestral Rituals

Pachamama and 5 Ancestral Techniques

Offering to Mother Earth

Negative Energy Cleaning

Shaman School in Cuzco

Ayahuasca Volunteering in Cuzco

Marriages Inka

Inca Marriage + Machupicchu 9 days

Inka Marriage 6 days

Andean Wedding 3 days

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