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Healing Ceremonies with Ancient Medicinal Plants

Area for Shamanic Training and Improvement

In this area, a Shamanic Culture School will be established, with the participation of Master Spiritual Guides from the Coast, Andes and Jungle of Peru, who will be responsible for the training and improvement of the Shaman aspirants, as well as volunteers from various spiritual cultures of the world.

Embark on a Journey of Shamanic Wisdom

The process of formation, improvement and training of shamans will last from 1 month to 1 year according to the capacity and experience of the applicant or volunteer (previously he will be evaluated to know his level or spiritual capacity), and that at the end of it he will graduate, with the title of Pampamisayoc (authorized Pachamama server), conferred by the Community of Shamans of Peru, whose rank is recognized by the KARPAY ceremony, who will be trained to carry out therapeutic, childbirth and traumatology activities to patients.

Expand Your Spiritual Horizons

In this area, rooms will be built for teachings and demonstrations of the techniques and secrets of shamanic culture for 30 people, as well as for accommodations and workshops for the preparation required for the use of Shamanic ceremonies and treatments.

There will be diffusion, orientation and training activities for visitors interested in knowing the shamanic culture.

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