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Healing Ceremonies with Ancient Medicinal Plants

Inca Wedding (Andean Marriage 3 Days)

Andean Marriage 3 Days (Inca Wedding) In Cusco-Peru

The Andean Marriage was very important in the Inca culture, it has more power of representation than the Catholic one. Its spiritual meaning and preparation causes more subconscious effects compared to Catholic civil and religious marriage. In the union between man and woman we have the presence of the 4 elements of nature Water, Wind, Fire, Earth, they represent the Universe and the Pachamama, mysterious energies, many call it by different names. We begin the Inca Marriage in Cusco-Peru with the preparation of different plants and Andean ceremonies days before the Marriage ritual. The future spouses will obtain the sacred pact or power channeled through the Andean Shaman, whose divine energy received is the union of the forces of the universe and the Pachamama, all these energies initiate the new life of the spouses.

andean marriage peru

The Andean Marriage includes the following ceremonies:

The Inca Marriage consists of 9 complete techniques or different ceremonies to purify the mind, body and spirit.

  • Volcanic Purgative Water: I is a medicine used to purge, it detoxifies the body in general. Cleanses the esophagus, stomach and kidneys. Eliminates toxic chemical residues by the buccal, urinary and anal vias. It has natural minerals that your body needs.
  • Coca Leaves Reading or Oracle: Spiritual communication guide or oracle, prediction. We make a personal diagnosis and counseling. It detects your problems, we advise and help to solve them along your healing process.
  • Cleansing of Negative Energy: It cleans and purifies negative energies: it expels spiritual overloads, bad karma, depression, stress accumulated in your body and mind. We open your chakras, free your mind and help your being.
  • Ayahuasca Ceremony (1): Divine gift, heals unknown diseases. Transforms your heart and consciousness through forgiveness. It purifies your blood, allows a deep spiritual, psychological and physical cleansing.
  • Wachuma Ceremony (1): Internal and external process of self-healing. It expands your sight, connects with nature and the universe. Psycho-emotional opening, reflection of consciousness. It makes your eyes shine with love.
  • Offering to the Pachamama: We thank by offering coca leaves, we thank for all what we receive. Pray for food, life, and protection by the forces of the universe. We ask for health, love, family, work and others.
  • Bath of Flowers for Love: Recharges spiritual cosmic energy, connects with the great spirits of the universe. Attracts energetic powers. It serves for the personal protection against negative energies.
  • Inca Spiritual Wedding: It is a sacred promise/covenant with Heaven and Earth. Blesses the couple by receiving all goodness and forces of the universe. Unite the couple in body, mind and spirit so that there are no lies, envy, infidelity, misunderstanding and they always live in complete harmony and happiness for the rest of their days.
  • Ceremony of Marital Well-Being.- The Master Shaman will perform a blessing ceremony where the bride and groom plant a seed, it will be their fruit, represents the future of their relationship.
peru andean marriage

Andean Marriage 3 Days - Itinerary:

One day before you will drink the Volcanic Medicinal Water. This mineral water allows the cleaning or complete detoxification of the digestive system in general to eliminate chemical excesses in the body. (Time 1 to 3 hours maximum, do not eat food 4 hours before drinking the water).

Day One.- We will pick you up at your hotel at 8 am and arrive at the Retreat Center at 9:00 am for the Reading of Coca Leaves with a Panpamisayoc Shaman, who will make a diagnosis of your personal state oriented to Marriage, to work all your difficulties for the 4 remaining ceremonies. Then you will have the Negative Energy Cleansing and spiritual purification, the Shaman will clear all negative charges and feelings of emotional sorrow, negative karma, among others, and prepare your chakras for the Ayahuasca ceremony. At 6 pm you will take Ayahuasca Medicine as a way of marriage initiation. The sacred beverage helps reinforce the ties of marriage, increase awareness of the decision you are taking, allows us to know and enter the depth of our hearts, with pure feelings open to moral values, without evil or hate. The Ayahuasca ceremony lasts from 4 to 8 hours.

Day Two.- You will wake up at 7:00 am, then have a light, organic breakfast. The Shaman will make an interpretation of your vision and experiences with Ayahuasca; then you will have time to meditate. At 12:00 am we begin with your ceremony of Wachuma (San Pedro) for the unification or connection of the Andean marriage. At 8:00 pm we will have dinner and then rest.

Third day.- You will have a special breakfast, then there will be an interpretation about your experiences and visions of Ayahuasca with the Master Shaman, to guide you. Then we will make the Offering of Marriage to the Pachamama, thank for the blessing of marriage, we will ask for its protection, pray for your lives together from now on and that happiness is always with you, we will ask for its protection and wisdom. Then we will have the most important ceremony with the Andean priest, the only Master Specialist capable of initiating this conjugal bond; having started the sacred pact of the Inca Marriage we begin with the prayers of the Shaman. He will request the Churacuy Rings, which are rings of marriage bond, must be of gold and silver, both possess a meaning of protection and prosperity, no matter if the ring is only covered with these metals. We will finish with the Flowering Bath, invoke the four elements of the universe Earth, Wind, Fire, Water, with the presence of the Apus (mountain spirits) that represent the masculine, and Mother Earth (Pachamama) symbol of fertility which is the feminine. Water represents purity and Fire symbolizes strength, so our union will be looked after by the Apus (symbol of protection) against everything negative and also by the Pachamama (symbol of prosperity and happiness). The Tinkay is the toast to honor the newlyweds with a typical Inca beverage (chicha de jora), to reaffirm the pact before the eyes of the Apus and Pachamama. The snack is a use or act of gratitude to the guests and the bride and groom themselves to continue with the ceremony, typical Cusco food will be served. The bride and groom will finally be able to go to rest and continue with their plans.

matrimonio inca cusco

The Andean Wedding Includes:

  • Different Andean priests throughout the retreat (8 Shamans).
  • Volcanic Medicinal Water (general detoxifier).
  • Sacred Plant (Ayahuasca).
  • 02 nights and 3 days at the Retreat Center, double and private rooms.
  • Sacred plant (Wachuma or San Pedro)
  • Special offer for Marriage.
  • 4 Andean Ceremonies (Coca Leaves Reading, Energy Cleansing, Pachamama Offering and Flowering Bath).
  • Private transport from the office to the CAISAE Retreat Center: round trip for the Bride and Groom.
  • Assistant or spiritual guide, translator. They speak Spanish, Quechua, English.
  • Live Andean instrumental music.
  • Marriage video and photos.
  • Typical Costumes for Marriage. (If you wish you can bring your own outfit).

Not Included Andean Marriage Cusco:

  • Wedding Rings.
  • Transportation for the guests and other items not mentioned.
cusco andean marriage

Recommendations Andean Wedding. Inca Marriage in Peru:

  • Hikking tennis shoes, extra clothing, umbrellas or poncho if on rainy season.
  • Mineral water, toilet paper and hygiene items, sunblock, hat etc.
  • Photographic camera; filming camera.
  • Some type of fruit for the Offering to the Pachamama (Mother Earth).

Booking Ceremony

PRICE PER COUPLE: Private (all the service is private + 5 ancient techniques, no more participants enter the Ayahuasca ceremony + Room vip)
USD. 1630.00
PRICE PER COUPLE: Group (shared ceremonies + 5 ancient techniques, there will be participants, except in the Andean marriage)
USD. 1480.00
PRICE PER COUPLE: Private (without the 5 ancient techniques, the entire wedding is private + flowering baths + Room vip)
USD. 1380.00
PRICE PER COUPLE: Group (without the 5 ancient techniques, the entire wedding is group + flowering baths)
USD. 1250.00

Andean Marriage 3 days Cusco, it was very important in the Inca culture, has more power of representation than the Christian. Andean Wedding. Inca Spiritual Marriage in Peru.

You can also do your Ayahuasca session in Machu Picchu, the amazing Inca citadel.

Ayahuasca Retreat

Ayahuasca Retreat Machu Picchu, 15 Days (6 Ayahuascas, 4 San Pedros + 5 ancient ceremonies)

Ayahuasca in Amazon

Kambo Therapy

Wachuma Ceremony

Wachuma in Machu Picchu

Ceremony Wachuma and Ayahuasca 7 days

Wachuma Ritual 4 days

Ancestral Rituals

Pachamama and 5 Ancestral Techniques

Offering to Mother Earth

Negative Energy Cleaning

Shaman School in Cuzco

Ayahuasca Volunteering in Cuzco

Marriages Inka

Inca Marriage + Machupicchu 9 days

Andean Wedding 3 days

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