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Healing Ceremonies with Ancient Medicinal Plants

History Karpay Ausangate

What is the Karpay concept

Karpay in Cusco: Karpay in Cusco is a spiritual gift of much personal discipline, it is something sacred and divine for those who receive it whose power comes from Heaven and earth. This spiritual force of light enters your spirit and governs your being to serve with responsibility. This mysterious energetic source of magical power transforms the body, mind and spirit at the moment of receiving the Karpay shamanic initiation. Helps the spiritual development of those who receive the light, this Karpay initiation we receive in Ausangate, Qoyllority, Queros and other sacred mountains … read more carpay apu ausangate mystical inca

History Karpay Ausangate lagoon or Ausangate’s Warehouse.- People tell about the Karpay History, the Ausangate lagoon: in March and April comes the hail and devastates all crops, they say that at night the Ausangate takes them all.

The Karpay story in the lagoon is curious, they say that when harvesting their products, they only find a little amount of them. The Apu Ausangate is the one who must “eat” first the best of the production. They say that the Apu Ausangate is the one who takes it to its lagoon or warehouse, and is guarded by the Otorongo lagoon so that they can not take the potatoes from there. The settlers before harvesting must venerate and make a special payment requesting permission to the Ausangate, to the Apus (sacred mountains) of the place, to the Warehouse and the Pachamama, so that they can return the production to its land. Only then they can harvest good potatoe crops with their blessing. In the middle of these 2 lagoons: the Huarmy and the Warehouse at midnight the power of Hatun Karpay is granted by a Shaman. An Ayahuasca ceremony or an Ayahuasca retreat can be the ideal complement to a Karpay ritual.

karpay laguna ausangate cusco

KARPAY Mother Earth AND YOQUEPAÑA Yachay Katy

Means continuing to learn the spiritual wisdom. Pushes, cues people to learn the secrets of the Ausangate. Represents the blessing of 2 unified Karpay (receiving the strength, the power of lands and lagoons that are the initiation for the powers of the Ausangate).

Karpay of the Ausangate mountain: The powerful Apu Ausangate is who approves or opens its heart and authorizes healing, according to the intention of the apprentice in order to help people.

Cuyas.- Acyana Huarmi are the women chosen by the Incas and priests. The Huillcas are sacred stones of spiritual energy with a mysterious power given by the different apus, lagoons, Pachamama and Altomisayoc Shamans. The person that becomes a Shaman must have his working tool called Shamanic Table, which contains Cuyas selected from different places. To get started as a Shaman you receive the Cuyas of the Apu Ausangate and the female Otorongo Lagoon. You will receive the blessings of the Apus and in the way we will get to know the heart–shaped stone, working place for the famous Shaman Mariano Turpo. Along the way you’ll keep finding more Cuyas for your Table.

cusco karpay ausangate

Carpay Ausangate inclusions:

  • Transportation from Cusco to the village of Tinki (3 to 4 hours approximately) and return from Pacchanta to Cusco.
  • Transport from Tinki to the community of Upis Pachanta (1:30 hour) and return to Pacchanta on the given day.
  • From the Community of Upis on horses to the mountain of Ausangate, (1:30 hour), and return the indicated day.
  • Spiritual translator. (Speaks Quechua, Spanish and English).
  • Sleeping tents, dining tent, mats, sleeping bags, horse carrier and cook.
  • 2 Shamans, male and female, for a group of more than 3 persons; otherwise only 1 Shaman.
  • Complete meals for the days of Karpay.
  • Return by the 3 lagoons. And we take a tour to the mountains of Shaman Mariano Turpo on horses.

Offerings or ceremonies available at Karpay:

  • Cleansing, spiritual and energy purification before starting the Karpay.
  • Work of the 7 chakras, before shamanic initiation.
  • 04 different Andean ceremonies, only for the Karpay. The offerings are directed to the 4 sources of the Earth.
  • 1 Flowering Bath of initiation and blessing for the spiritual path of the Shaman.
  • Giving of the MISAYOC Shaman work Power Table: khuyas, 7 chakra stones, lliclla or tablecloth and bell.
  • Washing and baptism of initiation of the Kuyas, in the Huarmy lagoon to authorize works of Misayoc.
  • Fire ceremony, the 7 chakras and burnt of offerings.
  • Entrance ticket to the Ausangate. Payment to the community for sleeping and occupying the Ausangate area.
  • Visit to the lagoons, mountains and house of the Altomisayoc Shaman Mariano Turpo. Presentation of your Work Table.
  • Last day return from the community of Pacchanta: 3 pm. We leave you at your hotel in Cusco, at approximately 10 pm.
  • Likewise, an Ayahuasca ritual or an Ayahuasca retreat can be really valuable for your healing. Ayahuasca retreats in Peru, Ayahuasca in Cusco.
ayahuasca san pedro shamans

We offer and simplify your entire trip to Peru:

  • We can help organize your entire itinerary in Cusco; we even take care of the picking up and leaving back at the airport.
    (Hotels, transport, travel, etc.)
  • Furnished apartment with living room, dining room and kitchen: 1 double bed, private bathroom, 2 separate private rooms, with shared bathroom. 6 blocks from the Plaza de Armas (Main Square) in Cusco city.
  • Travel to Machupicchu, visit the Sacred Valley of Cusco, Puno and the Amazon Rain forest.
  • Just tell us when you’re arriving in Cusco, when you will return, how many free days you would like to have for what you like to do, what places you would like to know and what type of hotel you need. We will send you a complete itinerary.

You should bring:

  • Sun hat or cap, sunglasses, coats and gloves because it’s extremely cold.
  • Sunscreen (SPF-35 or more), waterproof jacket or rain poncho.
  • Mineral water, lantern, appetizers, snacks(optional), camera for pictures.

Booking Ceremony

Donation: Huamanlipa Mountain in Cusco, Patapata 1 day and 1 Night.
USD. 440.00
Donation: Ausangate Mountain 2 Days and 1 Night.
USD. 740.00
Donation: Ausangate Mountain 3 Days and 2 Nights.
USD. 880.00
Donation: Ausangate Mountain 4 Days and 3 Nights.
USD. 950.00

Karpay ceremony Shamanic initiation, is a very sacred and divine commitment, power is channeled through Heaven and earth, Karpay Ausangate Carpay Queros.

You can also do your Ayahuasca session in Machu Picchu, the amazing Inca citadel.

Ayahuasca Retreat

Ayahuasca Retreat Machu Picchu, 15 Days (6 Ayahuascas, 4 San Pedros + 5 ancient ceremonies)

Ayahuasca in Amazon

Kambo Therapy

Wachuma Ceremony

Wachuma in Machu Picchu

Ceremony Wachuma and Ayahuasca 7 days

Wachuma Ritual 4 days

Ancestral Rituals

Pachamama and 5 Ancestral Techniques

Offering to Mother Earth

Negative Energy Cleaning

Shaman School in Cuzco

Ayahuasca Volunteering in Cuzco

Marriages Inka

Inca Marriage + Machupicchu 9 days

Inka Marriage 6 days

Andean Wedding 3 days

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